Altogether, 112 different (i.e. different combinations of colours) fixed-wrist klickies were issued between 1974 and 1983.
Geobra issued Playmobil sets with fixed-wrist klickies. Each arm and hand was molded as one piece, so the scope for a klicky to hold accessories was quite limited. In fact, some accessories were issued with extra handles on them to allow klickies to hold them in a more natural position:
Female klickies were released; they differed from the males only in the shape of their torso (known as ‘flip-hem’ by some) and the hair.
The appearance of male and female klickies with brown-skintone heads.
The males with brown heads also had black ‘curly’ hair, the first hair style to differ from the standard hair.
Peg-leg klickies also appeared in 1978, as did hook hands (the left arm was a single piece with a hook instead of a hand) and clown faces.
The first beards (on male klickies only!) in brown, black or yellow to match the hair colour.
The first child klickies were issued, four boys (with standard torsos and short hair) and five girls (with flip-hem torsos and a ‘girl’ hairstyle). All children had ‘free’ wrists; the arm and hand were not joined, the hand rotated freely through 360 degrees and was a different colour (pink skintone) from the rest of the arm.
Adult klickies with free wrists appeared in sets from 1982 onwards. It seems that in some sets, klickies with free wrists appeared in production runs after 1982, even though the box art still showed fixed wrists. Some accessories were modified for free-wrist klickies which are much more versatile when holding objects. The advent of free wrists also allowed for hands with brown skintone, which also appeared in 1982 for the first time.
The last set to be issued with fixed wrists was Version 3 of set 3265x, in 1983.
Well, not quite the last….
40th anniversary knights set
PCC birthday special 2015 rainbow klicky
(that last klicky is NOT included in the 112 total, by the way!)